Fall Over | IPA | BeerCo All Grain Brewers Recipe Kit


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Milled: No
Yeast: Dry

Autumn is nearly gone. Winter is coming. Your torn between brewing and enjoying your dark ales and supping on one last fresh IPA! Might as well use up all those Bits & Bobs of fresh piney citrus aromatic hops in the freezer and brew up a Fall Over - IPA - BeerCo All Grain Recipe Kit. You know this one will not hang around long in the kegerator but your mates will and they will make sure you drain it fast enough to fill it again with another of your favourite beers. Well what are you waiting for? Time to Fall Over one last time!

Brewing Software Recipes:

Vital Stats:

Batch & Boil

  • Batch Size: 21 Litres
  • Boil Time: 90 mins


  • OG 1.071
  • FG 1.016
  • IBU 38
  • ABV 7.2%
  • Colour 8.3 EBC
  • Balance – 0.54 BU/GU Bitterness Ratio


Grain Bill



Malteurop Pilsen Malt
90% 6.0
UniGrain Rolled Wheat (DO NOT MILL)
10% 0.66
100% 6.66







Mosaic 11.8% 20 60 mins 26 IBU
Mosaic 11.8% 40 5 mins 17 IBU
Cascade 7.2% 30 5 mins 8 IBU
Mosaic 11.8% 20 3 days 0
Cascade 7.2% 35 3 days 0
Mosaic 11.8% 20 3 days 0
Cascade 7.2% 20 3 days 0


Liquid | Bluestone Yeast


    Water Adjustments:


    1. Fill clean Kettle with 21 litres of water and pre-boil your water to precipitate out chlorides and chloramines. Add Mash Salts – 10g or 2 tsp of Calcium Sulphate (Gypsum) and 5g or 1 tsp of Calcium Carbonate
    2. Mill the grains and dough-in targeting a mash of around 3 Litres of water to 1 Kg of grain (a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by weight) and a mash temperature of 67 °C (152 °F).
    3. Hold the mash at 67 °C ( 152 °F ) until enzymatic conversion is complete for around 45 minutes to 1 hour.
    4. Infuse the mash with near boiling water while stirring or with a recirculating mash system raise the temperature to mash out at 76 °C (168 °F). Mash out for 10 minutes.
    5. Fly sparge slowly with 12 Litres of 76 °C (168 °F ) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 25 L (6.5 gallons).
    6. The total boil time will be 90 minutes. Bring to a rapid rolling boil and make first addition of 20g of Mosaic at 60 mins from end of boil.
    7. Deltafloc or Irish Moss is added with any yeast nutrients at 15 mins remaining on the boil.
    8. Make second addition of 40g of Mosaic and 30g of Cascade at 5 mins from end of boil.
    9. At flame-out, cool wort to 19°C (67 °F ), decant starter or open either Liquid Pitch or 2 x sachets of dry yeast into pre oxygenated wort.
    10. Over the course of the two-week fermentation, ramp the temperature slowly up to 22°C (72 °F ) to ensure full attenuation.
    11. On approximately Day 5-7 of fermentation when primary fermentation appears to be complete and secondary fermentation is appearing hit with your first dry hop of 20g of Mosaic and 35g of Cascade for 72 hours (3 days).
    12. Do a double dry hop of 20g of Mosaic and 35g of Cascade for a further 72 hours (3 days).
    13. After 2nd dry hop of 3 days, Cold crash, rack off into keg or bottling bucket for immediate carbonation or priming.
    14. Carbonate this beer to 2.5 volumes of CO2 and serve it #freshas. cheers!

    Sauces of brewspiration: